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Adults Children Infants
12 years and younger 3 years and younger
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    Free Wi-Fi in the whole building and in the rooms

City Hotel Bologna is proud to introduce its new restaurant “Luce Food & More”. Discover the typical dishes of the real Emilian culinary tradition, always prepared with fresh and seasonal ingredients by our chefs.

Stay with us and taste our “Tagliatelle al Ragù” from selected meats, our “Tortellini”, typical handmade pasta filled with meat, vegetables or cheese, and the world-renowned “Lasagne alla Bolognese”.
Try the simple yet tasty recipes of Bologna gastronomic tradition with the best value for money. Bononia is the perfect place where to eat in Bologna!

Opening hours

Open from Monday to Friday from 7 pm to 10 pm. On Saturday a Bistrot service is available from 7 pm to 10 pm.

During some periods of the year (Christmas holidays and August) only the Bistrot formula may be available. 

Restaurant and American Bar will be closed from the 9th to the 18th of August.

From 19th to 24th of August the Bistrot service will be opened.
